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The restaurant “I Sette Consoli” was born on 19th September 1992 from an unsatisfied banker and a housewife.


Mauro has a passion for cooking, since his mother was a cook, and for wines, for the father is a sommelier.


When he gets the chance, he leaves the bank and convinces Anna Rita, housewife and average cook, to follow him in this crazy journey.


They find the right place: it is in Orvieto, in the centre, and has a nice garden. Here we go!


Anna Rita finds out she is actually a great cook and she learns the fundamentals of high cuisine. Her hand is confident, light but at the same time convincing and gratifying for both the eyes and the palate.


In 2012 their daughters Serena and Chiara join the staff, helping their parents in this beautiful adventure with passion, will and knowledge.


Our cuisine has a strong territorial component, it is bound to our origins and to local products.

We also offer some fish plates, especially in summertime, to satisfy our many foreign customers.


In our wine cellar we store around 900 types of wine from all over the world and 100 spirits.


The compliment we appreciate the most is about the constance of quality over the years. I think this is very important: our cooking is not too sophisticated, our clients know what they will find and they will find the same high quality every time they come.


We have been here since 19th September 1992. It requires a huge effort but it is deeply satisfying to still be here, in this beautiful corner of the historical centre to serve at our best our usual customers and the new ones!


Piazza Sant'Angelo, 1A  ·  05018  ·  Orvieto TR  ·  Italy

P. IVA 01500930555

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